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IDEF PLATFORMS: Inspired To Inspire

What is truly inspiring? Is it your passion? Is it your authenticity? Is it your dream? Is it your story? Is it your advocacy? 

Wouldn't you find it incredibly inspiring to have your passion in action? Can you imagine yourself running your race with confidence just by being you? Do you have a dream unfilled you want to pursue yet cannot determine its value? Let us get connected with giving a voice to respond to the universal challenge of the real world.

Get inspired and allow others to be motivated, inspired, and encouraged by your authentic self. Share your journey, your story, where your passion, dreams, and advocacy can become a story making a genuine difference.

Connect. Pursue. Inspire —every sharing you do yourself, your precious time, and goodwill. We love to hear and share it with others; fruits' passion-into-action gives birth to genuine heart-centered projects that make a life impact factor and an authentic difference.

Taste of Life. of Emotion. of Thoughts.

Life Is Not Fair and Never Will Be. Life Is Wonder. Fantastic. Life Is Everything EXCEPT FAIR.

- Maflor

Women Discriminating Women

I see white stepping black

Black stepping white

Woman discriminating

A woman in plain sight.

.... more

Take Your Community Seriously


Set Community Boundaries


Community Growth Matters


Rainbow Into Your Community

Bring the rainbow into your community.

Creative Environment 

Creative Environment improves success

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